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She’s got the most relatable account on Instagram. You could even say it’s pitch perfect.
1. First of all, here’s her unbridled love for Beyoncé on display.
Let’s just get that common denominator out of the way.
2. She takes selfies while getting vodka cranberries with her girlfriends.
3. She’s a total sucker for some photogenic cupcakes…
4. …and photogenic cake pops.
5. Like you, she can’t resist a good sunset.
6. Like, really can’t resist a sunset.
7. Gotta pose in front of this sunset!
8. Good hair days are so rare, they need to be documented.
We feel you, girl.
9. No matter how glamorous the event, your hunger always takes precedent.
10. And your thirst.
11. Then right back to your hunger.
12. She screengrabs her witty text convos.
13. She shows off her makeup collection.
14. Occasionally she has an artsy eye.
15. Finally, one word: Ponies.
Because girls on Instagram luuuuuuuuuuurrrrrv ponies.
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