Along its route four decades as a weekly magazine, life frequently appears young actresses - or "vedettes", in the terminology of the day – on its cover, tacitly supporting a person life felt clearly was The Next Big Thing. Sometimes, they are right - with Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor and other future legends. But much more often, they were wrong, and the actress whose career seemed to shift into overdrive after appearing on a cover of life would act on the other hand in some films, maybe we will do something in the TV... and then they disappear.
In January 1948, for example, an actress named to Marcia Van Dyke appeared on the cover of life, accompanied by the laconic, even cryptic, motto, "Starlet-violinist." Inside, the profile of Van Dyke (or "Miss Van Dyke," as the article was), took pains to reassure the reader that this star was just a pretty face. Unfortunately, the way were a kind of praise Miss Van Dyke sounds (to the ears of today) as if they are condemning, instead:
The big difference between the majority of movie stars and Marcia Van Dyke is that his talent begins and ends with their pretty faces. When you call singing or swimming, they need to double. And when you call the Act, make more hearings film desire were singing or swimming. Miss Van Dyke, who is 25, has much more to offer Hollywood to her pretty face. Sings professionally, play professional tennis closely, and nothing like a seal. Much more unusual, is also an accomplished violinist.
Last may, when cuando estaba was playing with the San Francisco Symphony, life photographed Miss Van Dyke and called it "the most beautiful first violinist of the Symphony big time". As a result, he was given a contract by m-g - M producer Joseph Pasternak. Contrary to the traditions of Hollywood, in his first film Miss Van Dyke was actually elected as a violinist.
Van Dyke, so versatile as it could have been, only worked in Hollywood for six years and never in a leading role. Even so, no one could possibly consider it a failure; After all, countless young actresses yearn to act in films or on television and never have the opportunity to take a step in front of a camera. So that while Marcia Van Dyke could not have had the career in screen blockbuster that suggested the cover of his life at the store, at least had its moment - in fact, had several times - under the Sun. That just need to add: Bravo!
John Florea - LIFE magazine_____________________________________________________________________________________________
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